Greatness and peace and happiness are simply not proper ends for the human soul for itself

Are You Looking for Happiness and Peace the Wrong Way? Maybe this Way Will Work For You

“Greatness and peace and happiness are simply not proper ends for the human soul for itself. They are the byproducts of a life that is held steady like a ship at sea to some true course worth sailing.” ~ Dr Paul Shearer

By Dr. Scott Zarcinas, Founder 818: Unlocking Your Life

It’s interesting, isn’t it, that we spend so much time, money, and effort searching for ways to be happy and to have peace of mind.

But the problem with treating happiness and peace as a commodity to ‘get’ or pay for is that it is so often elusive and unobtainable, like trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

Do we not need a different approach?

Is the solution to being happy and at peace, as Dr. Paul Shearer hints at, not something to ‘get’ or ‘achieve’, but more like a side-effect or product of striving toward a greater purpose. A byproduct of the journey toward your goal?

Helen Keller said very much the same thing:

“True happiness… is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.”

Would it not be better, then, to focus on ‘some true course worth sailing’ and have fidelity to that worthy purpose? For as we journey toward our destination, we will bathe in the sunshine of happiness and feel the cool breeze of peace.

The important thing is to know where you’re going and keep moving toward that worthy port.

That’s how you’ll find your happiness and peace of mind.

Find Your Happiness. Take the First Step to Unlock the Life You Want Today!


At 818: Unlocking Your Life, we help proactive people thrive the SMART way. We give you the keys to a happy, healthy and wealthy mindset so you can free your time and live the life you always wanted. 818: Unlocking Your Life gives regular workshops, seminars, presentations, and courses to serve those who want to make a positive difference through positive action.

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