Fall Off The Wagon Day

New Year’s Resolutions Fall Off The Wagon Day is Real… Why You’ve Probably Done It More Than Once

How often have your New Year’s Eve resolutions succeeded?

By that, I mean ‘long-term change’.

Losing weight. Getting fitter. Stopping smoking. Drinking less alcohol. Eat healthier. Writing that book. These are some of the usual NYE vows that we make on the last night of the year during our celebrations.

There are others, of course, but what they share in common is a lack of completion. We start out with good intentions. We hit the gym. We avoid fast food. We de-tox.

But then the weeks pass and all our good intentions are a distant memory. We fall back into the habits of the old year and forget the commitments we made to ourselves.

There’s even a day that’s been identified as the most common day of the year where NYE resolutions are abandoned—it’s called “Fall Off the Wagon Day“—and it commonly falls in the second week of February, in or about 40 days into the new year.

If this sounds like a familiar situation, what you need is a re-solution to your resolutions.

So, to avoid falling off the wagon in February next year and keep moving forward, I’ve got the very re-solution for you.

Register now for our FREE online 6-Part Excellerater Training Program, where we’ll discuss:

  • The 1 thing that’s holding you back
  • Your BreakThrough Persona Mindset
  • Getting clarity of who you want to be and what you want to do
  • The formula for getting you from where you are now (current) to where you want to be (desired)
  • How to drop old habits and form new ones
  • Keep motivated and stay committed to your NYE resolutions and goals

All you have to do is click here to learn more about the program and get started.

Isn’t it time you started living the life you want, the way you want, how you want?

Don’t Fall Off the Wagon. Take the First Step to Unlock the Life You Want Today!


At 818: Unlocking Your Life, we help proactive people thrive the SMART way. We give you the keys to a happy, healthy and wealthy mindset so you can free your time and live the life you always wanted. 818: Unlocking Your Life gives regular workshops, seminars, presentations, and courses to serve those who want to make a positive difference through positive action.

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