Session 5: Revitalizer Strategy #3

Phase 3 of Your Personally Tailored BreakThrough SolutionTM

When your neomammalian forebrain is swamped by the emotions and natural instincts of your lower brain centres, it can become inundated with negativity toward what’s happening.

This is especially true in times of great uncertainty and insecurity, such as the COVID-19 crisis.

It can magnify the situation and make it worse than it really is through constant negative thinking.

But what does your neomammalian forebrain want most of all? CERTAINTY.

Therefore, the next thing you need to do in developing your BreakThrough SolutionTM is to develop a strategy to control your thought processing.

Revitalizer Strategy #3: Focussed Certainty

To regain control of your thought processes, a good practice is to focus on what is certain in your life.

Focusing on what is certain allows your higher-centred thoughts to override the emotions and instincts that have threatened to take control and run amok.

No matter what is happening in your life at this moment, there is always something that you can be certain about.

Focusing on even the little things that are certain grounds you in this moment of now. Certainty stabilises your mindset and controls whirring emotions.

So, don’t focus on what’s uncertain, rather focus on something that is certain:

Most opportunities for “focussed certainty” present as self-limiting thoughts or words we associate with ourselves, others or the world.

Here are some examples:

  • Life’s a jungle; only the fittest survive.
  • The end justifies the means.
  • Things will only get worse.
  • It doesn’t matter what I do, it always ends up badly.

When we say, think, and believe these kinds of statements our forebrain gets stuck in negativity and loses its rationality.

However, you have the power to catch your thoughts, words and beliefs and nullify the negative effects they have on you by “focussing on what is certain”.

Here’s how you can do this:

  • Life’s a jungle; only the fittest survive—Is this true? What evolutionists actually tell us is that organisms that are more ‘adaptable’ are more likely to survive adverse environments or crises than those who are less adaptable. As a human being, you are the most adaptable organism on the planet. Humans exist in every known environment, even space. Your strength is your adaptability. Focus on this.
  • The end justifies the means—Is this true? Because of the nature of time and the Law of Change, everything is in a constant state of flux; nothing is static or permanent. Therefore, there are no ends, only means. Each end is but a means to another means. No result is permanent. No end is permanent. Focus on this.
  • Things will only get worse—Is this true? Again, the Law of Change ensures that the only certainty is that change will always happen. Nothing remains unchanged except change. Even a worst-case scenario like the coronavirus crisis will change. Nothing remains as it is. There is truth in the saying, “This too shall pass.” Focus on this.
  • It doesn’t matter what I do, it always ends up badly—Is this true? Is this 100% true? When has this not been true? No person alive has ever had a 100% failure rate, including you. There is certainly something that you’ve done in the past that went well. Focus on this.

These are just some examples of many on how you can use the strategy of “focussed certainty” to question negative thoughts and beliefs and diminish their negative effects.

Next is a real-life example of how this strategy can help you deal with the uncertainty of any crisis situation such as the recent COVID-19 pandemic.

Revitalizer Strategy #3 In Action

Although the COVID-19 crisis is causing mass uncertainty on a global scale, there is always something you can do to regain control, no matter how small or minor.

How you do this is to change the focus of your attention, which you always have the power to do.

So, in a crisis moment, don’t focus on what’s uncertain, rather focus on something that is certain:

  • You are alive. You have a life force in you, right now in this moment. This is fact. This is certain. Focus on this.
  • You have beliefs. Whether you are religious, atheist, or agnostic you believe in something. This is fact. This is certain. Focus on this.
  • The sun will rise tomorrow. No matter what happens, the planet will spin, and the sun will rise. This is fact. This is certain. Focus on this.
  • Love exists. Whether you are loved, have been loved, love your family, love another person, love an animal, love God, there is love. This is fact. This is certain. Focus on this.

There are many things you can be certain of, and focusing on them will help you control your thought processes and prevent your mind from being overwhelmed during a crisis.

As with these examples, implementing Revitalizer Strategy #3: Focussed Certainty will also help you to control your negative thoughts and beliefs by allowing your more rational, higher centres of the brain to engage and take charge, thus reinvigorating a more positive sense of wellbeing and motivating you to take positive action.

Revitalizer Strategy #3: Task
What certainty can you focus on today to control your negative thoughts and emotions?


What do you need to do to achieve this?
How will you do this?
Who will help you?
When and Where will you do this?
Why is this necessary?

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Continue With Session 6 Of The BreakThrough SolutionTM >>


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