Session 3: Energy-Management MindSET

Welcome to Session 3 of your
Free MindSET Training Course
(approx. 10 minutes reading time)
In this session, we will focus on personal energy-management. If you agreed with 5 or more statements from the Energy-Management MindSET Type on the Personal-Management MindSET Quiz, then this session will help you to strengthen your Energy-Management MindSET.
First, let’s define good energy-management:
In a word, good energy management is a choice.
Disregarding any chronic illness, your current mental and physical energy levels are the result of the personal and professional choices you have made up until this point in time.

As psychologist Leslie Rose McDonald puts it, personal energy management is:
“A conscious approach to everyday choice-making which supports sustained energy, vitality, productivity, and calm.“

And “Choice-making” is a conscious process.
It is a focus of your intentions to achieve a certain outcome.
For instance, if your intention is to increase your effectiveness and influence at home or at work or both (which, as a student of this course, I’m sure it is), then “sustained energy, vitality, productivity, and calm” are essential factors in achieving that intention.
One of the best strategies for personal energy-management will be the focus of this session.
That strategy is what I call “REBOOT”, and there are 2 parts to this energy-management strategy:
- Energy drains
- Energy fuels
We will now discuss energy drains and energy fuels in relation to your 7 Life Segments and how you can use them to reboot your energy levels and reinvigorate your enthusiasm for the future you want.

About 818: Unlocking Your Life
At 818: Unlocking Your Life, we help proactive people thrive the SMART way. We give you the keys to a happy, healthy and wealthy mindset so you can free your time and live the life you always wanted. 818: Unlocking Your Life gives regular workshops, seminars, presentations, and courses to serve those who want to make a positive difference through positive action.